A Step by Step Guide on Cultivating Organic Marijuana

Cultivating organic marijuana is a rewarding and fulfilling process that allows you to produce high-quality cannabis free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. In this step-by-step guide, we will take a look at the key components and steps involved in cultivating organic marijuana.

Step 1: Choose the Right Strain

The first step in cultivating organic marijuana is to choose the right strain. There are hundreds of different strains of cannabis, each with its unique characteristics and growing requirements. It is essential to select a strain that is suitable for your growing environment and experience level.

Some strains are better suited to indoor cultivation, while others thrive outdoors. You should also consider the strain's size and yield potential, as well as its resistance to pests and diseases.

Step 2: Prepare Your Growing Space

The next step in cultivating organic marijuana is to prepare your growing space. Whether you are growing indoors or outdoors, you need to create an environment that is conducive to healthy plant growth.

Indoor growers will need to invest in grow lights, fans, and air filtration systems to create a controlled environment. Outdoor growers should choose a site that receives ample sunlight, has well-draining soil, and is protected from pests and animals.

Step 3: Choose Your Growing Medium

The growing medium is the material that your plants will grow in. Organic marijuana growers typically choose between soil, coco coir, or hydroponic systems. Each growing medium has its advantages and disadvantages, and you should choose the one that best suits your experience level and growing environment.

Soil is a popular choice for organic growers as it is rich in nutrients and supports healthy plant growth. Coco coir is a soilless growing medium that is made from coconut husks and is popular among indoor growers. Hydroponic systems use water and nutrient solutions to feed plants directly and can produce high yields with minimal space.

Step 4: Start Your Seeds

Once you have prepared your growing space and chosen your growing medium, it is time to start your seeds. There are two primary methods for starting marijuana seeds: germination and cloning.

Germination is the process of sprouting a seed by placing it in a moist, warm environment. Cloning involves taking a cutting from a mature plant and rooting it to produce a genetically identical copy.

Germination is the best option for new growers, while cloning is better suited to experienced growers who want to reproduce a specific strain.

Step 5: Transplant Your Seedlings

After your seeds have germinated, you will need to transplant them into larger containers to allow them to continue growing. When transplanting, it is essential to handle the seedlings gently to avoid damaging their fragile roots.

You should choose a container that is the appropriate size for your plant and growing medium. For soil growers, a container with drainage holes is essential to prevent overwatering and root rot.

Step 6: Provide Nutrients and Water

Plants need a balanced diet of nutrients to grow and thrive. Organic marijuana growers typically use organic fertilizers, compost teas, and natural amendments to provide their plants with the nutrients they need.

It is essential to water your plants regularly, but not too much. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues, while underwatering can cause your plants to wilt and die.

Step 7: Monitor Plant Health and Address Issues

As your plants grow, it is important to monitor their health and address any issues promptly. Common problems that can affect cannabis plants include pests, nutrient deficiencies, and diseases.

Organic growers typically use natural remedies such as neem oil, insecticidal soap, and diatomaceous earth to control pests and diseases. If you notice any signs of nutrient deficiencies, you can add organic amendments such as bone meal, blood meal, or compost to your soil.

Step 8: Harvest and Cure Your Buds

After several weeks of growth and care, it's time to harvest your plants. You can tell when your plants are ready to be harvested by looking at the trichomes, which are tiny resin glands on the buds. When the trichomes have turned a milky white color, it's time to harvest.

You will need to cut down your plants and remove the buds from the stems. Once you have harvested your buds, you will need to dry and cure them to improve their flavor, aroma, and potency.

Drying involves hanging your buds upside down in a dry, dark, and well-ventilated area. This process can take up to two weeks, and you should monitor the humidity levels to ensure that your buds dry evenly and don't develop mold.

Once your buds are dry, it's time to cure them. Curing involves placing your buds in sealed jars and allowing them to age for several weeks to several months. During this time, the buds will release excess moisture and develop a more complex flavor and aroma.

Step 9: Store Your Buds

Once your buds are fully cured, it's time to store them properly. Store your buds in a cool, dry, and dark place, such as a closet or a cabinet. You can use airtight containers, such as mason jars, to keep your buds fresh and protect them from air and light.

It's essential to monitor the humidity levels in your storage area to ensure that your buds don't become too dry or too moist. You can use humidity packs, such as Boveda packs, to maintain a consistent humidity level.


Cultivating organic marijuana is a rewarding and fulfilling process that allows you to produce high-quality cannabis free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can grow your own organic marijuana and enjoy the benefits of a natural and sustainable product.

Remember to choose the right strain, prepare your growing space, choose your growing medium, start your seeds, transplant your seedlings, provide nutrients and water, monitor plant health and address issues, harvest and cure your buds, and store your buds properly. With patience, care, and attention to detail, you can produce high-quality organic marijuana that is sure to impress.